More detailed information may be available by “Selecting” a specific wing of interest.
Country: Germany
Airline: LTU International Airways
Position: Pilot
Circa: 1990's
Country: Germany
Airline: LTU Süd
Position: Pilot
Circa: Unknown
Country: Germany
Airline: LTU Süd
Position: Pilot
Circa: 1996
Country: Germany
Airline: Lufthansa (Deutsche Lufthansa) (DLH)
Position: Pilot
Circa: 1955 - 2002


Country: Germany
Airline: Lufthansa (Deutsche Lufthansa) (DLH) (Nec Soli Cedit)
Position: Pilot
Circa: Pre WW II


Country: Germany
Airline: Lufthansa (Deutsche Lufthansa) (DLH) (Nec Soli Cedit)
Position: Pilot
Circa: Unknown


Country: Germany
Airline: Lufthansa (LH)
Position: Pilot
Circa: 2002 - 2011


Country: Germany
Airline: Lufthansa (LH)
Position: Pilot
Circa: 2011 - 2014


Country: Germany
Airline: Lufthansa (LH)
Position: Pilot
Circa: 2014 - present