What is the purpose of the collection?
The goal is to gather the Pilot Wings of the World in one collection. Although many badges have similarities, each wing is unique to an branch of service or airline and a symbol of a professional fraternity spanning the world. Ultimately, the collection will be donated to an Aviation Museum for display and preservation for future generations to appreciate. This is a hobby and not a business.
What is the focus of the collect?
The collection encompasses only military and airline pilot wings comprised primarily of the badge worn on the service dress, coat, tunic, jacket or blazer of the uniform. Typically, it is the full size metal wing. Some service branches or companies only issue cloth, padded, or bullion badges and in this case, the wing is the collection. As a rule, the shirt wing is not included unless this is the only example of the issued wing. To narrow the scope, hat badges or other crew positions such as navigator or flight engineer are not included.
When did the collection begin?
In 1984 at Officer Training School, our Flight Leader recommended buying a set of wings as a symbol of our “goal.” We would be encountering many difficult days thru training and not to lose focus. I remember, having my wings on my desk… In fact, my Air Force pilot training class graduated 27 out of 74 candidates. At graduation in 1986, my mother and father pinned the silver wings. In 1989, my second Air Force assignment was to fly the NATO E-3A (AWACS) in West Germany. On a typical mission, the flight crew was composed of representatives from the 12 NATO countries (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Turkey). As we flew missions throughout the European theater, I discovered many fellow pilots also shared similar accomplishments and pride in our wings. At first, the goal was to gather the NATO wings and later ballooned to military pilot wings of the world. As I transitioned to a commercial career with UPS, the collection focus was broaden to include airline wings of the world.
How do I acquire the wings?
Many of the wings have been donated by fellow pilots while others have been exchanged on the flight line or in terminals. Other badges have been acquired via trades with fellow collectors. I also have purchased wings directly from airlines, at collectors shows or online.
What is the purpose of the website?
The purpose of the website is a resource for the general public, aviation enthusiast and fellow collectors. It’s also an effort to spotlight the wings missing from the collection and seeking donations, trades or purchases to improve the collection.
You would like to donate your wing?
Thank you for your consideration. Any donation will be acknowledged on the database with information of the pilot who was issued the badge. Please use the “contact” function and information will be provided. This revised website has been fully updated and permits better communication which the previous version was overwhelmed with spam and not functional.
You would like to sell your wing?
Thank you for your consideration, please use the “contact” function. The revised website has been fully updated and permits better communication. The previous version was overwhelmed with spam and not useful.
How to buy or trade a wing?
Thank you for your consideration, please use the “contact” function. Only the badges listed in “Trade or Sell” section are available. My preference is to trade rather than sale since the goal is to expand the collection. This is a hobby and not a business. Please note, all other badges in the database are not available for sale or trade.
How to know which wings are in the collection or missing?
Each entry in the database will have a photo and information. If the wing is NOT in the collection, “WANTED” will be displayed on the listing. If the wing CANNOT be found in the database, it’s probably a wanted item. Please use the “Contact” to reach me.
How to correct an error of information?
The information is accurate to the best of my knowledge, but resources are limited. I encourage your participate to supplement the database or correct any omission, errors or misinformation. The goal is accuracy and the best resource is the public and the collector community. Please use the “contact” function.
What is the “unknown” wings?
Basically, unidentified badges. Your assistance is vital for the success of the site. You will find photos of unknown badges in my collection and from others. If you can help identify or have an unidentified badge, please us the “contact” function. I will add your information and photos to this section.
You are searching for information regarding a wing you own?
Please use the “contact” function. I will try to identify the wing. If unable, the photo will be added to the “Unknown” badges section. Hopefully, others may share light into your search.