For 30 years, fellow pilots have donated their wings to the collection. Special thank you to the following individuals who have donated their wings to the collection.
Military Wings:
- 20 - Lithuania Air Force Pilot
- Capt J. D. Cline (Steve Cline, son) - United States Air Force Pilot
- Capt J. D. Cline (Steve Cline, son) - United States Air Force Pilot
- Capt P. Sochet France Air Force - France Army Pilot
- Cdr Craig G. USAD Attaché - Zaire Air Force Pilot
- Donated - Lt Col J. Mitchell USDAO - Ivory Coast - Air Force Pilot
- Lt Ahmad Mahadzir Muhamed, RMAF - Malaysia Air Force Pilot
- Lt Ahmad Mahadzir Muhamed, RMAF - Malaysia Air Force Pilot
- Lt Col Hodges - USDAO - El Salvador Army Command Pilot
- Maj Harvey USAF AWACS - Japan Air Self Defense Force Pilot
- P. Sochet French Air Force - France Air Force Pilot
- P. Sochet French Air Force - France Navy Pilot
- Wing Cmdr E. Baldwin - Royal Australia Air Force (RAAF) Pilot
Commercial Wings:
- Alex Escarzaga - Atlas Air Check Captain
- Andy Fetterolf - Skystar International Airlines Pilot
- Andy Fetterolf - Saudi Arabian Airlines (SDI) Second Officer
- Andy Taggart - Atlantic Southeast Airlines (ASA) First Officer
- Andy Taggart - Atlantic Southeast Airlines (ASA) Captain
- Beth Roy - IASCO First Officer
- Bill Phillips - Delta Air Lines Second Officer
- Bob White - Aspen Airways Pilot
- Capt A. Podervol - Gulf Air (طيران الخليج) Pilot
- Capt Andy Fetterolf - Worldwide Airlines (WA) Pilot
- Capt Barbosa Gomas - VARIG (Viacao Aerea Rio-Grandese) Captain
- Capt Barbosa Gomas - VARIG (Viacao Aerea Rio-Grandese) Pilot 10 Years Service
- Capt Barbosa Gomas - VARIG (Viacao Aerea Rio-Grandese) Pilot 25 Years of Service
- Capt Beth Roy - AmeriJet Pilot
- Capt Beth Roy - AmeriJet Captain
- Capt Bill Hanvon - Business Air (BA) Pilot
- Capt Bing - Air Atlantic Pilot
- Capt Brandon Press, Chief Pilot - Silver Airways First Officer
- Capt Brandon Press, Chief Pilot - Silver Airways Captain
- Capt Brett Fullerton (B777) Capt K. Burgess (UPS) - Emirates (Arabic: طَيَران الإمارات DMG: Ṭayarān Al-Imārāt) Pilot
- Capt C. S. Chang Duck - China Airlines Pilot
- Capt Casto Vega & Ricardo Castedo - Lloyd Aéreo Boliviano (LAB) (Lloyd Aereo Boliviano) Pilot (1 Star)
- Capt Chad Voiland - Republic Airline Captain
- Capt Charley Gay - Merlin Express Pilot
- Capt D. S. Mathur - Air-India Pilot
- Capt Dan Scott, Chief Pilot - Ryan International Airlines Pilot
- Capt Darryl Amason - Boston-Maine Airways (BMA) Captain
- Capt Dave Quinn (Brockway, UPS) - Brockway Airlines Pilot
- Capt Dudley - Royal Brunei Airlines Pilot
- Capt Duke A. Bailes - Custom Air Transport (CAT) First Officer
- Capt Duke Bailes - Capital Cargo International Captain
- Capt Ernie Pitts - SkyWest Airlines First Officer
- Capt Ernie Pitts (Air LA) - Air LA Pilot
- Capt F. Sturmeir - Air Malta Pilot
- Capt Frank Comissiong - Liat Pilot
- Capt George Boyko, Chief Pilot - Western Global Airlines (WGA) Captain
- Capt George Boyko, Chief Pilot - Western Global Airlines (WGA) First Officer
- Capt Greg B. Gibson, Chief Pilot - USAir Captain
- Capt Greg Brown - Envoy Air (American Eagle) Captain
- Capt J. D. Cline (Steve Cline, son) - American Airlines (AA) First Officer
- Capt J. D. Cline (Steve Cline) - American Airlines (AA) Captain
- Capt J. Salazar Calderon - LAN Chile Pilot
- Capt Jan Maasdam - KLM - Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij (Royal Dutch Airlines) Pilot
- Capt Javier A. Calmet - LAN Peru Pilot
- Capt Jim Boccuzzi - Panagra Airlines Pilot
- Capt Jim Psiones - Transamerica Airlines First / Second Officer
- Capt Jim Psiones - Transamerica Airlines Captain
- Capt Jimmie Brown (Braniff, UPS) - Braniff International Airways (BI) First Officer / Second Officer
- Capt John Boharsik - Saudia Airlines Pilot
- Capt John Coe - United Parcel Service (UPS) Airlines Management or Instructor Captain
- Capt John Long - VARIG (Viacao Aerea Rio-Grandese) Flight Engineer
- Capt John Long - VARIG (Viacao Aerea Rio-Grandese) First Officer
- Capt John Souders - Valujet Airlines Pilot
- Capt Luis Alba - AeroContinente (Aero Continente) Pilot
- Capt Mohammed Aziz - Middle East Airlines (MEA) Pilot
- Capt Norm Butterfield, Chief Pilot - Business Express First Officer
- Capt Norm Butterfield, Chief Pilot - Business Express Captain
- Capt Norm Butterfield, Chief Pilot - Business Express Supervisory Captain
- Capt Onno J De Swart - Air Aruba Pilot
- Capt Onno J De Swart - Aruba Airlines Pilot
- Capt Onno J De Swart - Aruba Airlines Pilot
- Capt Onno J De Swart - Avia Air Pilot
- Capt P Sabin - Air Atlantique (AA) Pilot
- Capt Pat Broderick - Eastern Air Lines First Officer
- Capt Paulo S. Sandi, Chief Pilot - VARIG (Viacao Aerea Rio-Grandese) Captain 25 Years of Service
- Capt Peter Looker - Caledonian Airways Pilot
- Capt Peter Rolfe - Brymon Airways (BA) Pilot
- Capt Pettenkofer, Manager of Operations - AeroSur Pilot
- Capt Raul Menendez - Viasa Captain
- Capt Raul Menendez - Viasa Captain
- Capt Ricardo Scapim Barroso - TAM Airlines (Linhas Aéreas) Captain
- Capt Richard E. Stillwell - Ryan Aviation Pilot
- Capt Richard E. Stilwell - Ryan (R) Aviation Pilot
- Capt Richard Stilwell - Sunbird Airlines Pilot
- Capt Richard Stilwell - Sunbird Airlines Pilot
- Capt Robert Gessert - Skyway Airlines - The Midwest Express Connection Pilot
- Capt Steve Smith - Air Midwest (AM) Pilot
- Capt Ted Fergus, System Chief Pilot - Reno Air First Officer
- Capt Ted Fergus, System Chief Pilot - Reno Air Captain
- Capt Ted Kasprzak - Air Transat (AT) Pilot
- Capt Thierry Schouten - Martinair Pilot
- Capt Waterhouse - Euro Direct Airlines (e) Pilot
- Captain N. Davies, Chief Pilot - Pan American Airways (PAA) (Pan American World Airways) (Pan Am) Second Officer
- Captain Paulo S. Santi, Chief Pilot - Rio Sul Pilot
- Captain Paulo S. Santi, Chief Pilot - Rio Sul - Varig Pilot
- Captain Paulo S. Santi, Chief Pilot - Rio Sul - Varig First Officer
- Captain Paulo S. Santi, Chief Pilot - Rio Sul - Varig Captain
- Captain Thomas E. Johnson, Regional Director of Flying - PIT - USAir First / Second Officer
- Carlos Marquez, Director of Ops - Centurion Cargo First & Second Officer
- Carlos Marquez, Director of Ops - Centurion Cargo Captain
- Charles M. Dwyer - Pro Air Pilot
- Charlie Dolan - WAHS Wing Collector - Wardair Pilot
- Chief Pilot Capt Mendez - Centurion Air Cargo Pilot
- Chief Pilot Captain Jeb Barrett - Colgan Airways (CA) Pilot
- Chief Pilot Dave Sharpe - Challenge Air Cargo Pilot
- Chief Pilot Ernie Pitts - Conquest Airlines First Officer
- Chief Pilot Ernie Pitts - Conquest Airlines Captain
- Chief Pilot Joe Calvert - Arrow Air First Officer / Second Officer
- Chief Pilot Joe Calvert - Arrow Air Senior Captain (10 years of Service)
- Chief Pilot Joe Saia - Express Airlines 1 First Officer
- Chief Pilot Joe Saia - Express Airlines 1 Captain
- Chief Pilot Montie White - Comair First Officer
- Chief Pilot Montie White - Comair Captain
- Chief Pilot Montie White - Comair First Officer
- Chief Pilot Montie White - Comair Captain
- Chief Pilot Montie White - Comair Captain
- Chief Pilot Montie White - Comair Management Captain
- Chuck Burnett (UPS) - Atlantic Southeast Airlines (ASA) First Officer
- Debbie Rodriguez and Ron Mahan - Evergreen International First Officer / Second Officer
- Ed Horne - Japan Air Charter (JAZ) Pilot
- Elias Vera - Grand Aire Express - Grand Aire Express Pilot
- Fred Klarmeyer - Atlas Air First Officer / Second Officer
- Fred Klarmeyer - Atlas Air Captain
- Hector Cabezas, Collector & Curator Frankfurt Airport Aviation Museum - Aeroflot Russian Airlines Pilot
- Hector Cabezas, Collector & Curator Frankfurt Airport Aviation Museum - Aeroflot Russian Airlines Pilot
- Jackson Tan - Scoot Airlines Pilot
- Jane Bierman, Flight Operations - Midwest Express (ME) Captain
- Jim Boccuzzi - Airlift International Pilot
- Jim Boccuzzi - Calair Transportflug Pilot
- Jorge Morgado Del Pozo - LAN Chile Pilot
- K. Averill - Pan Am II First Officer
- K. Averill - Pan Am II Captain
- Ken Donaldson - USAir First / Second Officer
- Marcelo Medeiros - Spirit Airlines Captain
- Mark Wilkins - Laredo Air Captain
- Melissa Nance - Kitty Hawk Pilot
- Michelle Gafney - Emery Worldwide Airlines First Officer / Second Officer
- Rich Beasley - Pan American Airways (PAA) (Pan American World Airways) (Pan Am) First Officer
- Rob Wagner - Renown (R) Aviation First Officer
- Tor Lundstrom - Norsk Flytjeneste AS (NFT) Pilot
Other Wings:
- Capt Gunther Anderson - Nippon Miniature Bearing (NMB) Pilot
- Lt Emily Beard - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Pilot
- Rui Sacramento - Portugal Civilian Pilot and Reserve Pilot of the Portuguese Air Force