More detailed information may be available by “Selecting” a specific wing of interest.


Country: Pakistan
Airline: Air Force (PAF)
Position: Pilot
Circa: 1950's
Country: Pakistan
Airline: Air Force (PAF)
Position: Pilot - White (Fighter Pilot)
Circa: 1998
Country: Pakistan
Airline: Air Force (PAF)
Position: Pilot - Blue (Transport Pilot)
Circa: 1998
Country: Pakistan
Airline: Air Force (PAF)
Position: Transport Pilot
Circa: 1998
Country: Pakistan
Airline: Air Force (PAF)
Position: Pilot - Red (Group Capt & Above)
Circa: 1998
Country: Pakistan
Airline: Army
Position: Pilot
Circa: 1980
Country: Pakistan
Airline: Army
Position: Senior Pilot
Circa: 1980
Country: Pakistan
Airline: Army
Position: Pilot
Circa: 1998 - Present


Country: Pakistan
Airline: Army
Position: Senior Pilot
Circa: 1998 - Present