More detailed information may be available by “Selecting” a specific wing of interest.
Country: Vietnam
Airline: Air Force
Position: Pilot Class 1
Circa: 2015 - present
Country: Vietnam
Airline: Air Force
Position: Pilot Class 2
Circa: 2015 - present
Country: Vietnam
Airline: Air Force
Position: Pilot Class 3
Circa: 2015 - present
Country: Vietnam
Airline: Air Force
Position: Student Pilot
Circa: 2015 - present


Country: Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV)
Airline: Air Force (PK-KQVN)
Position: Pilot or Branch Wing?
Circa: 2009 - present
Country: Venezuela
Airline: Army Aviation
Position: Pilot
Circa: 1990 - present
Country: Venezuela
Airline: Army Aviation
Position: Command Pilot
Circa: 1990 - present
Country: Venda
Airline: Defense Force
Position: Pilot
Circa: Unknown
Country: Venezuela
Airline: Navy
Position: Pilot
Circa: 2000