More detailed information may be available by “Selecting” a specific wing of interest.
Country: USA
Airline: United Air Lines
Position: Pilot
Circa: 5th Issue: 1980-2003
Country: USA
Airline: United Air Lines
Position: Pilot - 1 Diamond (10 - 14 years of service)
Circa: 5th Issue: 1980-2003
Country: USA
Airline: United Air Lines
Position: Pilot - 2 Diamond (15 - 19 years of service)
Circa: 5th Issue: 1980 - 2003
Country: USA
Airline: United Air Lines
Position: Pilot - 3 Diamond (20 - 24 years of service)
Circa: 5th Issue: 1980 - 2003
Country: USA
Airline: United Air Lines
Position: Management Pilot - 4 Diamonds w/ wreath & diamond (30 - 34 years of service)
Circa: 5th Issue: 1980 - 2003
Country: USA
Airline: United Air Lines
Position: Management Pilot - 4 Diamonds w/ wreath & ruby (35 - 39 years of service)
Circa: 5th Issue: 1980-2003


Country: USA
Airline: United Air Lines
Position: Management Pilot - 5 Rubies (40 - 44 years of service)
Circa: 5th Issue: 1980 - 2003


Country: USA
Airline: United Airlines
Position: First Officer
Circa: 7th Issue: 2014 - present


Country: USA
Airline: United Airlines
Position: Captain
Circa: 7th Issue: 2014 - present